Will the Eurozone collapse before 2030?

Exceptionally unlikely

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In response to the COVID-19 crisis, various EU-skeptics are talking about a possible collapse of the Eurozone. For instance, April 7, 2020, Gatestone Institute: Coronavirus: The Looming Collapse of Europe's Single Currency quotes:

Achim Truger, a member of the German Council of Economic Experts, said that he believes that coronabonds are necessary to prevent a collapse of the euro:

"All countries in Europe are being hit by the epidemic — Italy and Spain particularly hard. All countries, including Germany, must therefore be able to make the necessary health expenditures and take measures to bridge the economic crisis. This is only possible through additional government debt, and this must be guaranteed to prevent another euro crisis. If the debt loads of Italy and Spain rise sharply, they will be pushed into budget cuts, thus economic, social and political crises, which would ultimately lead to a sovereign debt crisis and a collapse of the euro and the EU. Therefore, there must now be a joint, solidarity-based solution."


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Exceptionally unlikely

In response to the COVID-19 crisis, various EU-skeptics are talking about a possible collapse of the Eurozone. For instance, April 7, 2020, Gatestone Institute: Coronavirus: The Looming Collapse of Europe's Single Currency quotes:

Achim Truger, a...

Last updated: 2024-07-27
Forecasts: 459


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