In 2027, what will the cost-effectiveness of the Against Malaria Foundation be, according to GiveWell?


Question description

The Against Malaria Foundation (AMF) is a charity that provides long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) to populations at high risk of malaria. These nets protect people, especially children, from dying from malaria.

GiveWell are a charity that produce high quality cost-effectiveness analyses. These analyses try to estimate the marginal impact of increasing donations to different charities, and they summarize this as a single number: cost per life saved, after adjustments.

GiveWell have consistently rated AMF as one of the most cost-effective charities available. Previous cost-effectiveness analyses can be found here. GiveWell's current methodology can be found here.


Number of forecasts32


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The Against Malaria Foundation (AMF) is a charity that provides long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) to populations at high risk of malaria. These nets protect people, especially children, from dying from malaria.

GiveWell are a charity that...

Last updated: 2024-09-07
Forecasts: 32


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